Nobody really cares (NOT!): Sesqui 150, “Live” @ Antietam

Posted on September 17, 2012 by


On my drive toward Antietam this morning, I wondered how many would actually be there (here) so early in the morning. Upon closing-in on the park entrance, I noticed the increased traffic. Making the left turn and rounding the corner… the Visitor’s Center parking lot was closed… already full.

I continued past the Dunker Church and on… down to the sesqui event parking area, across the road from the cornfield. I snapped this Droid photo of the vehicles still coming down the road…


I took a lot of other photos with my Canon, but here are a few more glimpses courtesy of the Droid camera…

The crowd at The Cornfield tour…


Musket smoke over the cornfield…


Another glimpse of the crowd, after walking through The Cornfield…


I can’t possibly capture the massive number of folks here, but… I’d say that the Sesqui is doing better than many might think.

Blogger pal, Craig Swain and I tried to venture a guess… was it 600… or 1,000 present at The Cornfield presentation? Can’t say for certain, but it was A LOT, especially for it being so early.

Add to that… premier programs by the NPS, such as what I’ve seen and experienced at both Harpers Ferry and Antietam, over the past five days, well… if this sets the standard for expectations of things to come, we’ve got lots more to anticipate. I think, however,  Antietam may have set the bar. Of course, as rural as it is, the benefit is obvious. More to follow later. Maybe not today, but later this week.

In short… yes… seems a lot of folks care…